A Touch Of Lube (All Calls Are Monitored Book 2) Read online

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  Max glanced at the watch on his wrist. “Shit. It’s almost one-thirty.”

  She grabbed his arm and looked him in the eye. “Let’s not go back.”

  He laughed, but she didn’t join him. She pouted, pushing her bottom lip out and frowning slightly. “Please.”

  “Oh, you’re not joking.”

  “I don’t want to see him.”

  “You don’t have to, just focus on your job.”

  “We have another four hours, please, tell me how I can avoid him!”

  Max gave her a wry smile and hoped she’d forget it. He stood from the deck chair, but Alexa continued to sit, expecting an answer to come trembling from his lips. It never came. He smiled down at her. “C’mon. You can’t avoid him forever.”

  “I can try. Or, I can gut him like a fish.”

  Max pulled her arm and her to her feet. “You’re not a fisherman, if anything, you’d end up hurting yourself.”

  She pushed his hand away from her arm. “I’m fine.” She pressed her palms together and kissed the side of them before pushing them into the sky. “God, if you’re listening, just make sure Rosie has crabs, nothing major, just something to tell him not to lie.”

  Max had already climbed from the metal box and called the elevator to the rooftop. Alexa joined him, straightening the back of her hair out. She looked at herself in the dim reflection of the elevator door; a poor recreation of her body.

  Candy made her way into work upon hearing news of a certain senior VP making an appearance. She had large black rings around her eyes from where her eyeliner had smudged. And the large white and pink dress she wore with a thick black belt buckled around her thick body.

  She pulled Alexa and Max into her staff training room as they walked through the double doors into the call centre floor. “Is Lara here?”

  Alexa tapped her foot as Candy pulled her attention away from getting back to her seat. “No, why?”

  “She’s coming in to do damage control.”

  Max grinned. “Damage control?”

  “Yes. It’s a very serious matter.”

  “And why are you here?” Alexa smacked her lips together, mashing the minimal amount of lipstick she wore.

  Candy stroked the side of Alexa’s arm. “Guess you could use me.”

  “Don’t touch me, you skanky litt—”

  Max yanked Alexa’s arm. “We need to get back.” He pulled her out of the room and down the call centre aisle to their desks.

  Before Alexa could sit down, she glanced around the room, looking for her escape exit. An itch in the sole of her feet broke out, ready to get her running at the motion of a hand, or the faint flicker of Frank’s face.

  “You,” a cold voice snapped.

  Alexa turned to see Deandra’s face poking out from her office door. She pointed her finger and wiggled them at her. “Dee?” Alexa approached her office door, shrouded in darkness from the office floor.

  Deandra opened her door, welcoming Alexa inside. “What happened to your face?”

  “My face?”

  “You’re having an emotion.”

  Alexa grinned. “I have RBF.”

  Deandra’s face lit up. “You do? Mind sharing?”

  “It’s resting-bitch face.”

  “Oh, shush. I’ll pour us a drink.”

  Deandra’s office space was lit up with halogen lamps and dim electric candles, scattered around. She grabbed two glasses, both clinked together in her hand. She placed them on her desk. Alexa couldn’t see what Deandra was wearing, but in through the darkness, Deandra was camouflaged with wearing a floor-length black dress.

  Alexa threw herself into one of the plump cushioned leather office chairs. “Why are you here?”

  Deandra knelt behind her office desk and opened a mini fridge, disguised as a computer tower. The light inside illuminated Deandra’s face painted in a fresh coat of make-up. Her hair, sat in a bouffant on top of her head and her black dress was held up with sheer luck, and invisible body tape.

  “And where’ve you been?” Alexa continued, glancing over the office desk to see Deandra ply her arms with glass bottles.

  “I’ll answer everything soon, give me time.” She placed the mini bottles carefully on the desk. “I’ve been to a sex party, if you must know.” She kicked the fridge door shut.


  “I don’t have ice, forgive me.” She handed Alexa a glass and a miniature bottle of vodka. “Grape vodka.”


  “It’s good. Tangy. Gets right where it hurts.” She unscrewed the cap of two bottles and poured them both into a glass.

  Alexa followed suit and took a sip. She pulled her safe hard. “Fuck.”


  “This is—” She smacked her lips and tongue against the roof of her mouth. “—strong.”

  “Now, tell me why you have this RBF?”

  Alexa’s eyes rolled to the back of her head. “I was born with it, but I’m pissed off at Frank.”

  “Frank!” Deandra threw her head back and laughed. “My issue is bigger than yours, sweetie.”

  “Uh. Go on?”

  “Lara has personally blamed me for the screwed-up lube.” She took a seat in her large leather office chair. “She even approved it herself. She even tested herself, labelling it a marvel for the vaginal market, a clitoral revolution.” She pushed the rim of the glass to her lips before taking the entire contents to the back of her throat.

  Alexa grumbled. “I heard Lara’s coming in.”

  “That whore!”

  “Are you still at each other’s throats?”

  Deandra cocked her head back and laughed. “Like asking if shark have teeth. Well, the answer is yes.”

  “But has the CEO even announced he’s stepping down?”

  Deandra slammed her glass on the table. “Like that matters. He will. He has big news and I need him to know, I can run this company better than Lara.”

  Alexa refused to question her further, even though inside, she wanted to keep questioning her, to continue asking questions she knew Deandra wouldn’t have the answers to. She sipped on the iced grape vodka some more. “Have you seen Veronica?”

  Deandra unscrewed another bottle and poured it in her glass. “With her legs up on her desk? I’m surprised she hasn’t commissioned the sex swing in her office yet.”

  “I’m sure she poured an entire bottle of lube on herself.”

  Deandra swung her glass around. “And Jeffrey, he’s in there with an ice pack. Can’t they read? It says a touch of lube, not half a bottle. Blame is on them!”

  A harsh crunch from the double doors to the office swinging open pulled at everyone’s attention. On all fours, a man dressed only in black skin-tight leather, around his neck, strapped around him was a leash. He was followed in by Lara, stomping through with her stilettos. She wore a long draping leather trench coat, whipping at her ankles as she walked.

  Candy gasped, a hand to her face, staring out of the training room window. She was gagged by the appearance of Lara, walking up the aisle of the call centre floor, being pulled by her human toy on his leash.

  Lara cracked the whip of the leash. A thunderous bolt cut through the air. “Heel.” The man at the other end of the leash arched his back, cowering at the handle of his leash. She stood outside Lara’s office, turning to face Quin who was without a task, standing idly by, waiting for a dick-straction to pop up. “Hold him for me.” She passed the leash to Quin.

  She stepped inside Veronica’s office, closing the door and shutting the blinds.

  Jeffrey jumped to attention, tssking at the pain in the end of penis as he moved quickly. “Hi—hey—hello.”

  Veronica stayed in her seated position, staring back at Lara.

  Lara cleared her throat. “Why do I need to be here?”

  “You don’t. I told you we had it all under control.”

  Lara snapped her fingers, and once again, Jeffrey jumped from his seat, manoeuvring his balls and
penis carefully with his hands. “No. You can’t handle the situation. You don’t know half of it.”

  Veronica took a sip of water, not breaking eye contact from Lara. “Would I lie to you?”

  She took one look between Veronica and Jeffrey and grinned. “Most definitely.”

  “I should be out there.” Jeffrey cupped his balls and penis and stood, pressing the cool ice-cold compress on himself.

  Lara stomped a foot to him as he rushed out of the door, his pants falling by the cuff of his ankles.

  Once Jeffrey had left, Lara took a seat, moving the fan away from between Veronica’s legs and placing it to face her. She sighed, and sucked in a deep breath.

  “I’m sure you know, as the senior VP of sales and merchandising, I also have a hand in acquisitions. And the company recently acquired a small company, a company I believed in completely, and decided to promote through the app. That company was Sensalube, and now, we’re being sued for millions because of something wrong in the formula, chemical burns and all that bullshit.”

  Veronica swung her legs around across her table. “What?”

  “Yes. We own the company. We’re liable for every one of those agents out there telling them to call and file a suit with them, it still affects us.”

  “No, no, no. We get a commission, that’s what the briefing told us.”

  Lara threw a hand to her mouth, feigning laughter. “Oh, honey, no. I mean, Fling, the company receives commission on sales, but it’s all one and the same. But, I fully expect Deandra to take responsibility, after all, she’s in charge of product development, and Sensalube falls under her line of sight.”

  Veronica stood and waddled her way to the office door. Her legs not touching, walking like a cowboy, or someone who’d been deep dicked without any lubrication. Pulling in a deep breath. “Everyone! Off the phones, right now!”

  At the doorway, Candy stood with her ear to the glass. Every agent in the call centre turned to Veronica’s red face. Lara approached her from behind and placed a hand on her shoulder.

  Lara presented herself forward, taking hold of the leash from Quin. “Emergency meeting, my office in ten minutes.”

  Candy held her stomach in, pressing hard as she watched Lara sauntering away with her toy on his hands and knees.

  In Deandra’s office, as she took another shot and Alexa nursed down her second, shaking her entire body as it went down her throat, only to try and come back up again.

  Deandra stood and paced the office space. “That will be Lara, throwing her weight around.”

  Alexa hummed and nodded. “I don’t want to go back out.” She tapped her fingernails across the glass. “Please.”

  “You can stay in here. Only if you drink with me.”

  Alexa pushed herself up from her chair and grabbed another bottle. “Deal.” She unscrewed the cap and drank from the miniature bottle neck.


  Rosie rolled in a tray full, complete with cups of coffees, biscuits, and leftover pizza on small plastic plates, with a small compartment for cutlery. They used sachets of sugar and small pots of milk; semi-skimmed and full-fat milk, labelled accurately, the last time they were accidentally switched around, the entire call centre went into overdrive, specifically from Veronica, who hadn’t put on any weight since she ate an entire bagel for breakfast.

  Lara made sure everyone was present in her office, including Deandra, who stood by the door, and Alexa, who sat droopy-eyed, propped up against Max. Her office was bright with white overhead lights, illuminating the full extent of everyone’s night-time attire and make-up choices. Something they hadn’t been able to see on the desk-lamp-light call centre floor.

  Veronica continued to sit in her office chair, wheeled around with a separate chair for her feet to rest on.

  Lara cut the chatter with a snap of her fingers. “This is serious.” She pounded a fist on her desk, clasping the side of her now sore hand in her other hand. “Well. You all appear to be incompetent pieces of shit.”

  They looked around at one another.

  Alexa pushed a hand up, moving away from Max’s shoulder. “Who?”

  Lara clicked and pointed directly at Alexa. “For starters, you. You let this escalate. Now, I’m here with G—Gar—Garre—Gor.” She cleared her throat and glanced down to the man on all fours, covered in an entire body of leather. “Him. I was going to do unspeakable things to his tight little body, and now, look, you’re all amateurs. You can’t even handle a little drama.

  Alexa stood on her wobbly feet. “Mayb—”

  Deandra pulled Alexa aside. “Maybe. If you didn’t sell the members genital-burning lube, then maybe this mess could’ve been avoided.”

  “Oh, no, you’re not.”

  “Oh, yes, I am.”

  “Are not.”

  “Am too.”

  Veronica clapped her hands. “Ladies.” Gritting her teeth as she moved her body, the friction of her legs moving together, burning the skin on her thighs. “This isn’t the time for arguing. These are my staff, and I’ve called them in. I think you need to tell them how to handle this, then they can get back to it.”

  The intensity in the eye contact grew between Lara and Deandra, until Lara broke it off to look down at Veronica to her side.

  A knock at the door came, from behind Deandra and Alexa, a tall, and in the somewhat drunken stupor, attractive to Alexa, Frank Jarr, the international relations manager stood. He had a manila envelope in his hands with a black paper clip handing it together.

  “And you—” Alexa waved a hand at him.

  Frank walked through the people to Lara. “These are the reported sales numbers, most reports are from the U.S. so, either the U.K. customers didn’t receive bad batches, as we’re calling it, or they read the instructions, and didn’t use half a bottle.”

  The urge to slap Veronica around the back of the head passed through Lara’s mind, but as she wasn’t her parent, nor was she her direct boss or supervisor, she let the urge pass through her hands, snatching the envelope from Frank and slamming it on her desk. “Great. We have a narrative.”

  “You manwhore!” Alexa catcalled, pointing her finger at Frank. Her gaze quickly dashed to Rosie, stood by the coffee trolley. “And you, you slut.”

  Deandra shoved her hand to Alexa’s mouth. “Oh, no, sweetie, no,” she whispered.

  “Alexa!” Veronica gasped. “Don’t make me serve you with a warning. We do not use terms like that here. This is a free-for-all come as you are sexual liberation.”

  Lara grit her teeth, biting at the tip of her tongue. “For anyone on the phones or handling emails, we’re advising members of the warning on the bottle, and advising there are no returns or refunds. As for damage control. All ads have been removed, we replaced them with teeth whitening.”

  Thea raised a hand. “And if they want to sue?”

  Lara smiled. “Great question, and you are, female newbie, correct?” She pointed to Max and Ollie in proximity. “Gay newbie and hot newbie.”

  “So?” Thea continued.

  “Obviously, don’t advise them to sue. Advise to apply antibacterial cream, ice it, wait for swelling to reduce. You can advise them of the Sensalube company email, but I’m fully aware they’re not offering refunds.”

  Logan wiggled a pen in the air. “You spoke to the company? I tried to call through before.” He pressed the pen to paper, waiting in response.

  “How can I say this?” Lara tapped the side of her head. “We own the company.”

  They weren’t too shocked by the news. If anything, they were all waiting on how much they were getting paid to stay, and when they could get the coffees Rosie was anxiously waiting to serve.

  After several more minutes passed by, with more questions, Rosie finally handed out the coffees and Lara pushed them all back out onto the call centre floor, the dimly lit area with a navy-blue light shining through all the windows. It was almost 2:30 A.M. and while the sky wasn’t completely black, sunrise was at 6 A.M. a
nd it was already making its ascent.

  Candy waited behind in Lara’s room. “Are you someone from Fling?” she asked the man on his hands and knees.

  He looked up at her and nodded.

  Lara cracked the whip around his neck. “Don’t speak.”

  “Oh, I love that song.” She pressed both her hands to her chest. “No Doubt are amazing, aren’t they?”

  Lara took a seat. “Why are you still here?”

  “Curious.” Candy took a seat opposite.

  Flicking her stilettos off her feet and resting them on the back of her human, she glanced back at Candy. “And why do I care?”

  “I thought you had better taste.”

  She laughed, unclipping the metal from the envelope. “Oh, I have taste. Plenty of it. He’s just one flavour of the night. He’s a starter. I have a main course, and dessert still to come, or should that be cum.”

  Candy stood, suddenly, popping a button from her corset. It flew directly into the side of the man’s face.

  He jumped up from his hands and knees, knocking Lara’s feet from him, and sending her tumbling from her office chair. “I’m done,” he said, scratching at the vinyl leather stretched across his body. “I haven’t been hard once, the closet I got was looking into the eye of that swollen old pussy!”

  Lara composed herself in her chair. “Then leave, but expect your account to be terminated, user—” she pulled her phone from her breast pocket. “198930.”

  “That’s bullshit.”

  “Bye.” Lara looked at the documents from the envelope and waved him away. “I’ll be having dinner early.”

  Candy pushed out her breasts as the man left. She approached Lara’s desk and reached out to touch her hand. “Can I—”

  “Yes. You can leave as well.”


  Lara glanced up while facing the paper on her desk. “I said, leave.”

  On the call centre floor, attacking call after call, email after email, and social media ranting and raving, they were all high on Rosie’s caffeine buzz. She walked up and down the aisles with her trolley, filling up cups with coffee, even for Thea, who previously hated the smell and taste of the bitter coffee bean water.