A Touch Of Lube (All Calls Are Monitored Book 2) Page 3
“Uh. Okay. Can I place you on a brief hold?”
“You betta make it brief, son.”
Max pressed the hold button and pushed himself back in the chair. He peeled the headset from his head and looked around. Alexa pointed to her headset, already on a call. Jeffrey sat against Veronica’s desk while she sat in her office chair, unlacing the bodice of the silk dress.
Max knocked on the glass wall. “I need someone.”
Jeffrey groaned. “What for?”
“A member wants to speak to a supervisor.”
Veronica pushed the strap of the silk nightdress over her shoulder. “Go on.” She slapped Jeffrey’s knee. “I’ll do your job and get more staff.”
Seventeen minutes passed before Veronica announced a meeting, calling Alexa, Jeffrey, and Max into her office. She dressed in a white blouse and short black pencil skirt, pressing her lips together in a thin smile. “We have people coming in, some maybe not-so sober, but they’re bringing food.”
Jeffrey stood at Veronica’s side. “And we need to make sure we’re not escalating calls.”
Alexa sneered. “What do we do then?”
“Redirect,” Veronica snapped. “If it’s a complaint, tell them to send it in writing. If it’s a booking request, advise them how they can do it on the app. Educate them. We need to eliminate those numbers from the board.”
Max pointed to Veronica and Jeffrey. “Got it.”
“Now, get back to it.”
Alexa and Max left with Jeffrey and Veronica sharp on their heels. Veronica had a tube of lube clenched in her hand as she chased Jeffrey to the hallway of the staff bathrooms and small kitchen.
Max sipped at the last of his cold coffee. “Where are they going?”
“You really need to ask.” Alexa slapped the back of Max’s hand.
Veronica Tithe’s fingers clenched around the underside of her skirt as she walked the hallway to the small kitchen. Jeffrey placed a hand on her upper back, patting her bum as she walked, feeling an intense heat grow in his pants.
“We have fifteen minutes,” Veronica said, stepping inside the small kitchen. She turned her head to Jeffrey’s eyes distracted on her back.
Veronica pushed herself on the marble countertop. “I have this.” She slapped the lube in Jeffrey’s hand.
Jeffrey wiggled between Veronica’s legs. “Do a bit of foreplay?”
She placed her fingers on his head, intertwining her fingers with his hair. She pushed him down. “Just a little, but only you.”
He pushed against her fingers. “What? You’re not going down on me?”
The sides of her lips curved as she smiled. “Fourteen minutes now.” With her fingers in his hair, she toyed with him, pulling gently, enough to move him and press his head closer to the space between her open legs.
Several moments passed while Veronica threw her head back and closed her eyes, squeezing her fingers around Jeffrey’s head, pushing and pulling, treating him as her own personal toy.
“Okay.” Her voice muffled as she’d clamped her thighs around his head.
He pushed passed her and looked her in the eye. “Keep going?”
“Some of this.” With the bottle of lube in hand, she popped the cap and spread a thin layer across her fingertips.
Jeffrey tried to stop her. “Not too much.”
Veronica rolled her eyes and clicked her tongue. “I know the product.” Jeffrey stood, giving her room. She spread a layer on her vagina, letting it sit for a moment until a cool tingling overwhelmed her. “C’mon.”
Jeffrey whipped his underwear away, revealing his erection, bobbing at his waist. She grabbed it and rubbed the rest of the lube residue on him. He clenched his teeth together in the immediate cold.
They gyrated together. Jeffrey grabbed his penis by the base and balls, squeezing it hard in his hand. He played with it against the lips of Veronica’s vagina, up and down before shoving it inside.
She let out a deep groan, hooking her arms around his back. He pressed himself inside her, pushing harder as she pressed her fingernails into his back. Pressing harder and deeper into his sides and shoulders. “Oh—my—god!”
“Yes.” He tried kissing her, but she pushed his lips away. “Uh. C’mon.”
“No!” She slapped him across his face and thrust her palms at him. “Fuck! Shit!” Jeffrey stumbled back and Veronica jumped from the counter. “My pussy is on fire.”
Jeffrey glanced at his dick, rock hard, red hot, and throbbing. Veronica slapped the cold-water faucet from the sink as freezing water gushed out, splashing the tiled flooring. Jeffrey nudged Veronica with his arms to grab a handful of water, throwing it on his penis.
He clenched his jaw. “What did you do?”
She slapped a hand against his chest. “You did it?”
The longer they argued and splashed water against the heat and burning of their genitals, the more time passed on, and the first few employees appeared through the office doors, a little tipsy on their feet.
Rosie power walked through the office, on Veronica’s speed dial. She stretched her legs with wide strides and grabbed Veronica’s office chair before rushing off into the hallway.
Alexa and Max were too busy on calls to even notice her as she entered, only as she left through the doors, letting out a squeal of excitement, did they pick their gaze up to see her.
Alexa placed herself on mute and covered the mic from her headset. “Great. She’s all we need.” She tutted, clicking her tongue against the front of her mouth. “Give us people we can use, at least.”
Max waited a moment as he wrapped a call and Alexa busied herself on hers. “On a serious note, the last thing we need is Candy,” he said aloud, mainly for himself because he knew he was the only one listening.
“Mmhmm.” Quin appeared behind Max, thumbing his shoulder blade. “Maybe tonight you’ll lose your office virginity.”
Max shuddered, receiving a call several seconds later.
Rosie wheeled Veronica out onto the call centre floor. Her legs in the air on pretend stirrups while she fanned her vagina with a hand. Jeffrey followed them, hauling his loose trousers as they sagged to his ankles.
More employees poured in through the office doors. The promise of bonuses and free food were enough to get them to quit their Friday night drinking and habitual sex. There was little conversation between any of them, as soon as they saw the numbers flash on the board like water filling the Titanic’s lower deck, they were on the phones. After Quin, there was Flossy, Thea, Ollie, and Logan, alongside Missy, the other supervisor.
Rosie clinked a spoon against one of the ceramic company mugs. She coughed gently into a fist, commanding the attention of the group on the call centre floor. “Thank you for all coming into work on such short notice, and the company is grateful. Veronica’s in a little pain, but she wants you all to finish your emails and calls, put yourself on meeting, and join her in her office.”
Veronica sat in her office with a fan directed at her genitals. Jeffrey laid on the sofa with an ice pack, placed over his underwear, cooling the glowing red burning on his penis.
As employees filed in, one after the other, they looked around for places to sit. Missy stood, pacing around, she wore a little black dress, and her hair which was usually think in a bun on top of her head was curly and bunched around her neck.
Rosie stood behind Veronica and turned her to face the group. The fan guarded their view from seeing her bottom half, although it wasn’t new, most of them had been flashed a view of it in the past, or had their own hit at it.
Logan nodded, moving around the office space to get the best view of Veronica as she sat with her legs on her desk, placed provocatively. “Yes.” He fist pumped by his side, turning, but his wingman, Ben, wasn’t there.
Veronica’s lips trembled. “It’s a shit show out there.”
Missy glanced at Veronica. “And in here.”
Veronica kicke
d her foot, knocking a mug on the floor, smashing at Missy’s foot. “Beat it, bitch.”
Missy rushed off behind the agents. She brushed her hair back with her fingers and stuck her nose in the air.
Jeffrey sighed heavily. “Can I have some more ibuprofen?” He placed his hands to his groin and scratched. “Please.”
Rosie shook her head and waved a finger at him. “You had some.”
“Anyway.” Veronica snapped the air with her fingers. “Rosie, get food. Missy, watch the queues. Flossy, you need to be on fire, the Elite members are going crazy. Quin, you’re not going on the phones, you’re way too drunk. Logan, Thea, Ollie, please pick some of the slack on the U.S. lines.” As she said their names, they left. “Alexa, Max, you’re both doing really well. But as you can see, I’m in a lot of pain, and none of you warned me. So, I’m pissed off at the two of you.”
Alexa dipped her chin to her chest and frowned. “Not that it’s my fault, it’s basically the whole reason why you’re here.”
Veronica scoffed. “I don’t know, Alexa, maybe, just maybe, you could’ve warned me a little, because now I have third degree burns!”
Peeking behind the fan slightly, Alexa saw the redness, but it wasn’t comparable to the pictures she’d been sent. She shrugged. “Doesn’t look bad.”
“Out!” She slammed the heel of her foot on the table. “Both of you.”
Alexa dragged Max’s hand and slammed Veronica’s office door shut after them. They sat down beside each other.
Alexa flicked her hair back. “I swear on my life, if she starts anything with me, I’m going to flip my shit.” She pushed the mouse and keyboard back on her desk. “I cannot right now.”
Quin pulled his office chair beside Max, reaching across his lap to grab his dick. Max moved back and jumped out of his chair.
“No,” Max said.
Quin frowned and pushed out his bottom lip in a pout. “Please.”
Max continued to shake his head. “That was a one-time thing!”
“Fine.” Quin huffed and rolled away in his chair, banned from his computer, he moved along the row.
Logan raised his hand from across the room. “Quin. I got something you can take a look at.”
Quin’s eyes grew wide with hunger. “Oh?”
Max watched it unfold, curious, but he knew what was happening and still he couldn’t help himself from paying them even more attention.
Unbuttoning his pants, Logan revealed he was going commando; no underwear, releasing his penis like a spring-trapped jack-in-the-box. Quin mashed his lips together before licking them. It wasn’t the first time he’d had a taste, usually between the partition of stall.
Logan pointed to his legs. “Under the desk.”
Alexa snapped her fingers in front of Max’s eyes. “Are you even listening to me? Or are you busy paying attention to Logan? I mean, I get it, he’s attractive, but he’s straight, he won’t suck your dick, and he won’t do anal. Trust me, I’ve had the talk with Quin, and still, that little homo keeps going back to him.”
She snapped her fingers three times in a Z-shaped formation. “There are no viable LTFs in this room.”
Among the men in the room, Quin, Ollie, and Logan, and none of them sparked an interest for Max, least of all where it mattered, in his dick; the first twitch, before reaching down and readjusting with a finger and thumb to give a slight tug on the semi being nursed. But they didn’t give him any of it.
“Let Quin do what he does best, relieving people under their desk.” She laughed, and held a hand up for Max to high-five her. He did, blindly, still thinking about viable men in the call centre, because the idea of hooking up with a random person, having not met them in person first was still a foreign concept and a place of discomfort.
Ollie stood, peering over the partition to Max and Alexa. Thea sat beside Alexa, but was busy on a call, softly pleading with a member on the line. “Can you believe these pictures?” He pressed a hand to his mouth and wretched into it. “I swear some of them have been photoshopped.”
Alexa shuddered and closed her eyes. “I don’t want to see another penis for a long time.” She removed her headband and combed a hand through her hair. “Like, a real long time, and good thing Frank is on his way to the U.S. so I don’t have to.”
Twenty minutes passed before Rosie pushed open the double doors into the call centre, resulting in a resounding thud. She carried in a stack of pizza boxes and was followed in by Frank, who tapped her on her bum. Rosie pushed her backside out slightly so he could do it again, all while Alexa watched.
“What—the—actual—fuck.” Alexa outstretched her fingers in front of her and watched as she shook, the nerves in her fingers jittering inside her.
Max glanced around to see Alexa’s line of sight. Frank and Rosie walking down the call centre aisle, before stopping at Veronica’s office right beside Alexa’s work station.
Alexa slapped Max’s leg. “We’re going on break,” she said through her seething teeth. “Right now.”
They stood after placing themselves on break to see Missy in the control centre burning a hole in their faces with her red-hot stare.
“It’s our break,” she said, loud enough for everyone to hear. Alexa dragged Max by his hand. “C’mon.”
Alexa scanned her card inside the elevator. She didn’t say a word to Max, but that didn’t stop her from muttering and mumbling to herself.
Max watched as she thumbed the top button with the letter R inside. “Where are we going?”
“Somewhere where there’s no snakes.”
She squinted at Max. “Yah.”
The elevator ride took a couple of seconds before it opened onto the large rooftop of the business centre in darkness. There were two foot concrete walls on the edge of the building with a red and white ‘no diving’ sign pinned against the side of a wall; to deter people from jumping.
On top of a large metal box were two deck chairs laid out, fully reclined back.
“Come on.” Alexa climbed on to metal box, throwing a foot on top and pushing the rest of her body to follow. She was quite flexible, her bending leg reached her waist.
“Is it safe?”
She rolled her eyes at it, although he’d missed it. In the darkness, it was increasingly difficult to make out people’s facial features and how they moved. “Yes. Get up here.”
Max climbed and joined Alexa. She patted the deck chair to her side and he took a seat, feeling awkward as he hunched over, not quite ready to lay down. “Do you come up here often?”
“Only when I’m pissed off.” She rummaged to her left with a rustling sound she grabbed a carton of cigarettes. “That’s a start.” She grabbed a lighter and rolled the flint once, igniting a spark.
He glanced at her from the side of his eyes. “You smoke?”
“Stress smoke! Usually, I have stress sex, but because I’m stressed about sex, and someone, I need something else.” She shoved the end of the cigarette to her lips. “God.”
Max played with his fingertips before laying back in the deck chair and watching as Alexa blew smoke out and covered the starlit sky.
“Why are you stressed?” he finally asked. “It’s not like complaints personally affect you.”
“No. Didn’t you see Frank?”
“Yeah, but.”
“No, no buts. He’s supposed to be away. But he’s here messing around with Rosie like she’s somehow better than me.” She sucked on the cigarette hard, one last time before flicking it out of her fingers. “She’s a receptionist!”
“I didn’t see.”
“Maybe if you had a pair of eyes you would.” She ruffled with the packet of cigarettes some more before throwing them across the rooftop.
There was quiet as Max stared up into the sky again.
Alexa nudged the side of his arm with the back of her hand. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap, but it’s annoy
Max lifted his head to face her. “You’re on a break anyway, right?”
“Not the point. The point is, he lied. He’s not in New York, and he’s not looking to screw upward, instead he’s doing downward facing dog with her.” She threw her hands to her face, wiping at the forced tears she pushed from her eyes. “I don’t even know where to begin, looking for a new LTF, looking for someone who could boost my career. I’ll be a level two forever at this rate.”
“Aren’t there any other men?”
“In power?” She forced out a short laugh. “Nope.”
“Then maybe you should try something different.”
Alexa’s hands went to her throat as she pretended to violently gag and kill herself. “On a fur ball? You’re kidding me, right? I have one, I don’t want to be with one.”
Max shrugged. He knew it wasn’t all that bad. Whenever he had sex with his ex-girlfriend, his previous partner, he always closed his eyes and pretended he was masturbating between two cushions, and the name of the cushion was of some celebrity crush he had at the time, it went between Zac Efron and Channing Tatum. In and out, in and out. “Close your eyes and count to ten.”
Alexa gagged again. “Maybe not.” She wiped at her lips with the back of her hand, noticing the smudged makeup wearing on her skin. “I don’t even know why I’m telling you. I should be telling Flossy about this. Not you.”
“My bestie.”
Alexa nodded. “Started together. She went to the dark side when Veronica found her potential to get elderly men off over the phone.”
Max chuckled. “Like a call girl.”
“Like phone sex.” Alexa weighed both the options up with both hands. Call girl and phone sex. “Apparently, this company building used to be the house of the phone sex hotline.”
It wasn’t the most unbelievable aspect of his job he’d heard about. He’d heard weirder things happening, this happened to be one of the more normal things.